Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Nexus One hitting France at €450 contract-free?

Nexus One hitting author at €450 contract-free?
Maybe you, same us, are a lowercase disappointed at how the Nexus One fared in our review. It haw not be the ground-breaker we'd all hoped for, but it's ease a mighty essential handset, and while we're expecting to undergo the flooded info for its American release after today it seems someone haw hit tipped their headgear on dweller availability info a lowercase early. According to Le Point, the phone will be acquirable in author and elsewhere in Europe within the next "several weeks," with prices at €450 for a contract-free device. However, if you don't nous signing digit eld of your wireless independence absent to Vodafone that toll is said to modify to €200. Again, we're ease waiting to learn about pricing here in the States, but we'd expect a kindred ratio here.

[Thanks, Lopez]

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