Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Addonics intros two eSATA-enabled multicard readers for the brave and gullible

There's no denying that the digit newest multicard readers from Addonics crapper enter to one's PC via eSATA as substantially as the customary USB 2.0 method, but frankly, we've our doubts most the honest-to-goodness speed benefits of linking finished the former. The outfit claims that when its (external) Pocket eSATA / USB DigiDrive is hooked up with an eSATA cable, any flash media you insert crapper be utilised as a bootable device with feature / indite speeds of up to 150MB/sec, but of instruction you'll poverty to blow the quickest SDHC or CompactFlash bill you crapper find in there to full take plus of the extra bandwidth. There's also an interior edition for those tired of looking at the gaping hole where your floppy intend utilised to be, and considering that both retail for $59.99, you'll belike spend the incoming four or fivesome hours meet choosing which you rattling need.

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