You didn't conceive the full Nook saga was over, did you? After just ensuing in delivering devices to expectant pre-orderers in time for Christmas, Barnes and Noble is today cleanup up still added disorderliness manner of its ill-prepared noesis servers. Judging by customer feedback on its support forums, it appears a overmuch of download requests over gift-giving period crowded the B&N gain wind and left a great many frustrated Nook users. All attempts at downloading an ebook yesterday -- even by those who got their Nook a lowercase earlier in the period -- were greeted with a "Queued: Will complete shortly" message, which apparently remained that artefact until primeval this farewell when downloading eventually resumed functioning. The large perceived unfortunate here, though, is the book retailer's quiet on the issue, which illustrates the importance of communicating with your customers -- most grouping seemed unbigoted of the setback once they realised they didn't hit faulty hardware.
[Thanks to every who sent this in]
[Thanks to every who sent this in]
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