Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Motorola Milestone firmware coaxed into Droid, multitouch ensues (blurred video!)

If you intellection it'd be cushy to advise cipher backwards and forward between two nearly-identical Motorolas streaming Android... well, you'd apparently be right. Unfortunately, attractive clear recording of the completed duty proves, as ever, to be an unconquerable task. Of course, the Android hacking community has overcome pretty much every other roadblock it's encountered so far, so it shouldn't come as any surprise to see that the Milestone's firmware has been successfully ported today over to its big, loud dweller cousin, the Droid, thanks to the work of AllDroid's metropolis and Barakinflorida who risked their possess figure for your gain. Our understanding is that the ROM's cooked in whatever affectionateness -- it's not bone stock, which makes significance if for no other reason than the fact that the Droid's got a completely assorted broadcasting -- but fortunately, that all-important multitouch hold carries over from the Euro side. We're chance candid from AllDroid's founder, Brent Fishman, that the storage should modify in a couple of days. Until then, study the fortuity for a recording of the physique in action.

Update: Better recording added after the break! Man, these guys see fast.

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