Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

UCLA nanowire discovery could lead to faster, stronger, smaller electronics

Advancements in silicon-germanium hit been going on for years now, but a team at UCLA is convinced that their brainstorm rattling is "the incoming bounteous thing." For scores now, semiconductor makers hit struggled with miniaturizing transistors as the public at super demands that things get small and smaller. Thanks to researchers at the same university, it's hunting like silicon-germanium nanowires could be the key to making the process a full aggregation easier. According to think co-author Suneel Kodambaka, the newborn nanowires could "help pace the utilization of smaller, faster and more coercive electronics," also noting that they're so small that they crapper be "placed in virtually anything." Which is great, because the Adamo XPS is meet entirely likewise pudgy.

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