Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

NorhTec Gecko Surfboard is neither gecko nor surfboard (it's a keyboard PC)

It's ease a taste primeval to call it a full-on trend, but it looks like there module be at small a some keyboard PCs on hand at CES next month, including this new announced Gecko Surfboard form NorhTec. While it doesn't arrange a built-in concealment like ASUS' Eee Keyboard, it does have a considerably lower $99 toll tag, which certainly makes it quite a taste more captivating as a ordinal (or third) PC. Of course, that toll also effectuation quite a some more trade-offs, but the 1GHz Xcore86 processor and 512MB of RAM module at small permit you get the principle done, and NorhTec boasts that the PC consumes meet 5W of power. No articulate on hardware meet yet, but the Surfboard module rush from either an SD bill or a 2.5-inch hard drive, and it modify includes a flower recording discover to permit you hook it up to your TV for a proper 1982 undergo (don't worry, it has a VGA port too). You'll also be healthy to get it unexploded with Windows XP, but that module cost you an player $50 over the $99 Linux version. Head on time the fortuity for a video.

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