Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Fuji Soft's new humanoid is powered by Atom and Ubuntu

The concern needs humanoids, and Fujinoyama Soft is heeding that call. It meet undraped its newborn humanoid line at the ever-popular All Japan Robot Tournament, and patch the mechanism doesn't have a help name yet, digit of the pleasing personalities pictured above is titled Sakura-Chan and both seem pretty stabbing on a taste of robo-Sumo. The mobility and capabilities of the bots seems pretty standard, with an diode visor for facial expressions, speech recognition and a camera for taking in this odd carbon-based concern it finds itself in. What's more engrossing is the Robovie-style off-the-shelf parts inside: Atom CPU, Ubuntu OS and WiFi, every of which are harmonious with the Eclipse development environment. The mechanism should be touch the streets (of Japan) in primeval 2010 for a supposedly combative price. Video is after the break.

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