Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

ViewSonic outs 23-inch VP2365wb and 26-inch VP2655wb IPS LCD monitors

ViewSonic's terminal round of LCDs were nothing short of unforgettable, but these two strength actually grab (and retain) your attention if you study yourself a "professional." The 23-inch VP2365wb and 26-inch VP2655wb both fall into the firm's VP program of 1080p pro LCDs, and the both of 'em are blessed with IPS panels and 4-port USB hubs. You'll also encounter pivoting stands on the pair, and while the 23-incher gets a 1,920 x 1,080 autochthonous resolution, the big pupil steps it up to 1,920 x 1,200 and offers a 118 proportionality NTSC panoramic color gamut for those discerning retinas of yours. Interested? The duo is acquirable today if you look in the correct places, and while the VP2365wb will outlay you just $399, the larger relation will peal you for $1,299.

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