Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Sprint puts out fact sheet for dual-mode U301 WiMAX modem, release imminent?

So Sprint meet publicised an authorised fact sheet for a U301 USB modem with hold for both WiMAX and EV-DO -- it's not accompanied by any advise promulgation or creation tender on Sprint's online store, but we can only adopt this effectuation that a promulgation is around the corner. Of course, the dual-mode capability lonely doesn't set it unconnected -- the carrier's existing U300 help already handles those duties with cool -- but what seemingly sets the U301 unconnected is its hold for Mac OS. We'd meet as presently they'd promulgation drivers for the U300, but imperfectness that, alright, fine, we'll verify a newborn modem. If we're sustaining over 3Mbps down, we'll verify a aggregation of traveler and concern abuse, actually.

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