Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Ex-Seagate employee claims the company stole MIT research, tried to cover up its tracks

Sure, this ain't the first instance that Seagate's allegedly separate tangled of the law, but this tale module definitely have you breathlessly demanding more (you know, if patent infringement is elating to you -- which would actually be pretty weird). Way backwards in July 2000, Convolve (an M.I.T. spin-off formed to market the school's hard intend noise reduction research) sued Seagate for using patented school in its Sound Barrier Technology -- with the end result existence that Seagate drives no longer hold semiautomatic curative management. But that isn't the elating part. In a dramatic turn reportable by The New York Times, a past Seagate employee named Apostle A. territory has ostensibly provided "an eyewitness account" of what went down, including the thieving of content obtained in a meeting between the digit companies held in 1998 and 1999 and the destruction of blueprints relating to Convolve's technology. As for the whistleblower, he claims that he was kept in the Stygian about the nature of the research he was employed on, with Seagate even feat so far as to verify his computer with notes pertinent to the trial. All of this (and more) are careful in an affidavit that is acquirable (in PDF form) by touch that maker link -- and, man, is it a page-turner!

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