Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

B.O.S.S. Wiimote shell fills giant people with sense of SNES nostalgia

It strength be hard to verify from the picture, but that B.O.S.S. controller, built by Performance Designed Products, is no controller at all. Instead it's a SNES controller-shaped, super-sized bomb that slides over a lawful Wiimote and turns it into a monstrosity of memories and oversized buttons. Kudos for ingenuity, but unfortunately the playability suffers and the bulk is meet too such to handle, according to Ars Technica. For $10 you can't fault it too such (and it small it isn't reliant on its possess batteries, a painful person for the manufacturer), but we conceive we strength spend that change for whatever international postage to indite Nintendo most its unconscientious miss of the Wii Classic Controller with New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

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