Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Researchers receive grant to develop color-changing contacts for diabetics

Contact lenses that act as a glucose monitoring grouping for diabetics aren't just a new idea, but it looks same a group of researchers from the University of Western Ontario strength be a bit closer to making them a reality, as they've today received a $200,000+ present from the Canada Foundation for Innovation to boost amend the technology. The secret to their contacts are whatever "extremely small" nanoparticles that are embedded in the hydrogel lenses which, same whatever similar systems (such as those represented at right), move to the glucose molecules in tears and drive a chemical reaction that changes the colouration of the lenses -- thereby informing the wearer when their murder dulcify is too low or too high. What's more, the reseachers say the same base intent could also hit a wide range of another applications beyond glucose monitoring -- for instance, being utilised in matter packaging to inform if the matter is stale or contaminated.

[Thanks, Yuka]

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