Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Intel Core i3, mobile Core i5 processors coming January 7

Intel's Arrandale chips haven't been the best-kept secret around, and today Chipzilla made 'em official: the Core i3 and ambulatory Core i5 module launch on January 7, and we'd surmisal a clump of newborn machines become along for the ride. Although the screen Lynnfield Core i5 is a quad-core, both the newborn Core i3 and ambulatory Core i5 are dual-core -- and in a first for Intel, both of the newborn chips hit an integrated GPU set that's existence branded "Intel HD Graphics." The newborn GPU is supposedly good enough for "high-end" HTPC use, but manufacturers crapper add switchable separate GPUs, so don't rag likewise much. Both Arrandale chips hit Intel's stylish hyperthreading tech, and the ambulatory i5 also has the Turbo Boost core-overclocking feature institute in the screen i5 and i7, which redirects power to a azygos set to boost performance when needed.

We got to wager a few Core i3 and i5 laptops and desktops in state at Intel's pre-CES briefing today, though we didn't intend to separate some tests. The ambulatory Core i5 systems on pass were doing a fine employ running Call of Duty 4, patch the scaled-down Core i3 rigs were playing Blu-ray movies and World of Warcraft -- not a intense demo, but we'll let you know when we wager some real numbers.
Intel Core i3, Mobile Core i5 Hands-On

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