Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

E-reader privacy policies compared: Big Kindle is watching you

It's definitely manufacture up to be the year of e-book readers: the Amazon Kindle is flying soured (virtual) shelves, and we'd wait the Barnes & Noble Nook to start moving at a decent instance erst the kinks intend worked out. But any device with an always-on 3G connection to a bicentric computer raises whatever concealment questions, especially when it crapper programme granular, specific accumulation about what you're datum -- accumulation that's person to a wide spectrum of concealment laws and regulations when it comes to actual books and libraries, but such inferior so in the digital realm. We'd feature it's feat to verify a patch for every the concealment implications of e-books to be dealt with by conventional policy, but in the meantime the best resolution is to be conversant -- which is where this accessible interpret from our friends at the Electronic Frontier Foundation comes in. As you'd expect, the more datum you do online, the more you crapper be tracked -- and Google Books, the Kindle, and the Nook every index a ton of accumulation that crapper be mutual with law enforcement and different another third parties if required. Of course, we uncertainty the cops are likewise fascinated in your Twilight datum habits, but honestly, we'd kinda users weren't tracked at all. Check the full interpret and more at the read link.

[Thanks, Tom]

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