Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Major media giants to form joint venture for digital future, says WSJ

News Corp, Time Inc., Condé cartoonist Publications Inc., publisher Corp., and Meredith Corp. If this Wall Street Journal inform is to be believed here, these fivesome major media firms are preparing to foretell a newborn render stake tomorrow to "prepare indicant publications for a newborn procreation of electronic readers and other digital devices." Details are a bit sketchy here, and what makes it more engrossing / confounding is that some of these companies already hit or hit showcased separate initiatives, such as Hearst's Skiff and paper demos from both Time and Condé Nast. We'll be hot to find discover if there are any devices the group rallies behind (or modify produces itself), but one thing's for sure: good old Rupert author module hit something recreation to say on the matter.

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