Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

WebOS 1.3.5 coming to CES: better performance and more app storage, says Palm CEO

Here's something to glean from Palm's past quarterly call, besides the ease less-than-profitable business number, of course. CEO Jon pianist divulged that yes, we will indeed be sight webOS 1.3.5 during CES early next month. Even better, we got some brainwave into what we'll be expecting from the update: more application storage (hooray!), meliorate WiFi / app performance, reinforced shelling life, and "increase Pixi speed and responsiveness" -- interesting that Pixi is called discover unaccompanied for that last one, but we're not about to read likewise such into that just yet. Good programme all around, but let's wish there's ease a surprise or digit mitt in accumulation come Jan 7th.

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