Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Iraqi insurgents using $26 software to monitor Predator video feeds

We can't feature we've ever heard of a $26 Russian program titled SkyGrabber before, but it's about to get famous actual fast -- according to the Wall Street Journal, Asian insurgents hit been regularly using the satellite-snooping software to guardian springy Predator recording feeds. Apparently the Predator transmits recording over an unencrypted link, so there's no major hacking or section breach feat on here, but it's apparently a Brobdingnagian supply -- and we'd feature the bigger problem is that bureaucratism officials hit famous about this damage since the 1990s, but they didn't conceive insurgents would amount discover how to exploit it. Way to underestimate, guys. The WSJ says the expeditionary is working to encrypt every Predator feeds from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, but it's slow feat because the Predator network is more than a decade older and supported on copyrighted tech -- likewise intense it's not copyrighted sufficiency to keep curiousness eyes discover of it.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

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