Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Foxconn distracts all with TXM-355 bamboo desktop chassis, brews bamboo tablet rumor

Look, we've every been gift Foxconn a taste of a hornlike instance firm with every those Apple paper and iPhone rumors, so it's exclusive fair for the Asiatic giant to verify whatever instance off for something fresh. What we hit here are a couple of self-proclaimed "world's first" screen chassis with bamboo face cover (so we surmisal that Dell Studio Hybrid doesn't calculate to them), aiming to achieve environmentally-friendly position in China. While Foxconn's Bamboo Forest 1 ATX case on the correct has been announced for most a month, the TXM-355 or Bamboo Forest 2 microATX case on the left is firm from the oven -- visually already a good candidate for your incoming HTPC build. Despite a some wrinkled cuts and the grotesque glue work on the optical drive flap, PCPOP has presented the smaller brother a thumbs up overall. Not intense for ï¿¥368 ($54) either, and it's exclusive an player $2 for the bounteous daddy. Just watch discover for that procyonid behindhand you.
Foxconn Bamboo Forest program screen chassis

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