Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Samsung's 14MP CL80 packs integrated WiFi, 3.7-inch AMOLED touchscreen

It's not impracticable to find a camera with desegrated WiFi discover there, but your choices are definitely limited. Thankfully for those in the mart for such a device, it seems as if Samsung is train up to promulgation quite the formidable opponent. Without so such as an authorised advise release, the CL80 has emerged on the outfit's website envelopment a 14 megapixel sensor, optical ikon stabilization, a 3.7-inch AMOLED touchscreen (capacitive with haptic feedback), a 720p movie mode (H.264), microSD expansion interval (groan...), USB 2.0 connectivity and an above-average 7x optical zoom. The Instant Upload feature enables users to upload their shots to Facebook, Flickr, Photobox or Picasa, and for those who favour to getting change clips, it'll also shoot your videos to YouTube when a hotspot is found. Nary a articulate has been uttered regarding toll or release, but we're feat discover on a branch here and surmising that such more aggregation module be revealed at CES.

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