Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Nikon Coolpix S70 unboxing and hands-on

Previous reviews haven't been every smiles, but we're finally able to garner up Nikon's Coolpix S70 and see for ourselves. On modify factor alone, it's a pretty alluring build -- modify the faux leather front is tastefully done. While the tap-to-focus feature is a pleasant addition, we're inferior enthused most the OLED screen's viewing angles when right -- and sight as we've go no another way to see the memories we're framing, that's pretty disappointing. We're ease putting it through its paces before we welfare discover flooded impressions, but in the meantime, savor our unboxing and hands-on photos.
Nikon Coolpix S70 unboxing and hands-on

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