Senin, 21 Desember 2009

GM woos CFO Chris Liddell away from Microsoft

As you haw or haw not have heard, Microsoft CFO Chris Liddell declared that he was leaving the consort late last month, but neither he nor Microsoft was doing much talking at the instance most what he would be doing incoming -- another than that he would be "looking at a number of opportunities that module modify his career beyond existence a CFO." Well, it looks same he module ease be a CFO after every -- this instance at General Motors. That move was meet made authorised today, and follows programme early this period that GM's underway CFO, Ray Young, would be transferring to China. As you strength wait presented the chief status at GM, however, there's plentitude of reflection that this lease strength be more than what it seems, and folks already talking that Liddell haw actually be existence tidy to take over as CEO of the consort erst he gets a bit more undergo in the moving industry.

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