Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

VIA's power-sipping VN1000 chipset brings Blu-ray playback, DX 10.1 support to low-end rigs

VIA haw not hit the vantage that AMD or Intel have, but digit thing's for sure: these guys sure love to alter as such heat as doable to the broke-as-a-joke among us. Take the every new VN1000 chipset, for instance, which is designed for Windows 7-based all-in-one PCs and another low-end desktops that pine for the ability to appendage modern day multimedia. The chipset is compatible with VIA's arrange of Nano, C7, C7-M and Eden processors, and divagation from activity DDR3 memory, up to fivesome PCI slots, up to four SATA II drives, a multicard reader and 12 USB 2.0 ports, it also allows for Blu-ray playback. Users crapper slap up to 16GB of RAM around it, and the integrated Chrome 520 GPU is ostensibly multipotent sufficiency to hold DirectX 10.1 and BD films. Who says 1080p is reserved for royalty?
VIA's power-sipping VN1000 chipset brings Blu-ray playback, DX 10.1 hold to low-end rigs

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