Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Motorola's XT701, MT710, and XT800 do Android for China's big three carriers

Even through the lean years, Moto's been making waves in China where it enjoys comparably broad popularity -- it was digit of the prototypal major manufacturers to throw its support behindhand the nation's homegrown TD-SCDMA 3G tech, after all, and it's had a tendency to intend the company's sexier WinMo smartphones same the SURF. On that note, it doesn't become as such of a assail to wager that they've today announced not one, not two, but threesome fairly attractive, high-end Android handsets specifically for obligation in the Far East, digit for each of China's bounteous threesome carriers (each of which employs a different 3G technology, per the gub'mint's orders). Starting on the left, the XT701 is the sound that we'd believed to be the Sholes Tablet -- and considering that it uses HSPA for China Unicom's airwaves, we still have no think to believe it couldn't make the move crossways the Pacific. The MT710 (pictured center) is an OPhone for China Unicom and stands the small chance of making an untied move to added chaste since it uses a completely bespoken UI along with a positively China-only TD-SCDMA radio. Finally, the XT800 on the correct looks same a Dell Mini 3i finished correct to us, rocking dual-mode GSM and EV-DO for China Telecom's kinda heterogeneous network. We've got to assistance it to Moto here: by every appearances, these 3.7-inch WVGA, 5 megapixel beasts could intend Android fans drooling pretty such anywhere in the world, so let's intend 'em over to Europe and USA on the double, eh?

[Thanks, Vitala]

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